Summer camp is our biggest and most popular program.
Going on our 25th season, we have seen camp grow by leaps and bounds over the years. Following the same tried and true formula we offer a very full, active, fun day for your child, who we can guarantee will leave tired, dirty, and happy!
Summer Camp at Ellenwood EC
Summer Camp 2025 season

The day begins with the morning chores, where the kids are in groups with a helper and participate in all of the daily workings of the running of a horse farm. After that, there is snack time, then active games like Capture the flag. Then it is lunchtime, followed by horse time. Each day all campers groom, tack up, and have a riding lesson.
While one group has their ride time the other groups are taken to the activity area, where they can swing on the rope swing, or play basketball. When all the groups have finished their lessons we end the day at the swimming pool. On Friday of each week, there is a camp show promptly at 2:30, where the children ride for their parents showing off their new skills.
Summer Camp
Welcome to our summercamp!
The summer camp season will begin the day after Memorial Day, Tuesday, May 27th, and runs weekly through Friday, August 8th. The camp hours are 9:00- 4:00, with before and aftercare offered at a slight extra fee. We welcome children ages 5 on up.
- The regular fee for a week of camp is $375.00
- Extra care at $15.00 for 1 hour of morning care and/or $15.00
for 1 hour of extra afternoon care. - Daily fee for camp is $80.00 per day for those that only want
- a day or 2 of camp.
Summer camp sign ups are now opened for 2025
We have opened our summer camp sign-ups for 2025 now.
Some people where trying to register on the 2024 forms so
we decided to go ahead and open them up now.

Camp FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Payment Information
Payment for camp is due the first morning of your camp week.
We accept cash, checks, cash app, or Zelle.
*Please Note* Camp is nonrefundable.
Who runs the camp?
Camp is run by Lynn, the stable owner, Leah, her adult daughter, and a wonderful collection of AMAZING barn helpers. These young ladies and a few guys have worked for the center for some time, helping with lessons year round and of course with camps. They know what Lynn expects, they know the different horses’ personalities, they know how to deal with children, and they are extremely good at working to the high standards that are put forth to them. At any given week there will be at least 10-15 helpers, making our counselor-camper ratio extremely high.
How do you deal with the heat?
Our setup is such that there are many areas of respite from the hot GA sun. Chore time is in and out of the barns, and snack and lunchtime is at picnic tables with umbrellas. The swing is in a shaded area and the pool, well, that’s obvious! The hottest time for the kids is during their riding in the arena, but while they are on for a solid lesson, it is around 25 – 30 minutes, and they are fine for that. Two days of riding is in the cool shaded woods for a nice trail ride, which the kids love.
What do I send with my child?
Each day you will need to send lunch, snacks, and water bottles. They will also need swim gear, a towel, sunscreen and bug spray, and a change of clothes. They should arrive in comfortable summer clothes that can get dirty.
Please make sure your child is wearing sturdy, hard-soled shoes. Gymshoes are ok but no flats, sandals, or Crocs are allowed for riding.
We furnish helmets for horse activities.
What do I do if I arrive early?
It is often hard to judge distance, traffic, etc, and we are (happily) much closer than most people think to the in-town neighborhoods. We understand when people arrive early, but please plan on staying with your child if you arrive before 9 am, as that is when camp starts. As stated, we do offer early care if that is necessary for your schedule.
Outside dogs or other pets are strictly prohibited from being on the stable premises.

Registration form and information
Registration form
Please fill out a separate form for each child attending camp. We will provide a hard copy of this form for parent/legal guardian’s signature upon arrival to Ellenwood.
Using the online form
To register, use the online form on this page. Please fill out a separate form for each child attending camp and follow the instructions.
Required forms to have on file
Each rider need to have a Horse Rental Agreement, Liability Release and Emergency Medical Authorization on file before attending Summer Camp.
Please fill out both online PDF forms below and send to us over email or regular mail as print out.
Contact us
If you have questions, you can either call us, send us an email, or use the online form on the contact page.
Our phone: 404-317-2670
Our email address:
Our mail address:
500 Clark Dr
Ellenwood, GA 30294
Our office is open Tuesday – Friday