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Birthday Party at Ellenwood EC

Ellenwood Equestrian Center offers birthday parties and pool parties (weather permitted)  on Saturdays and Sundays year-round. The birthday parties which include horse riding as well are held on a two-hour basis and are priced per party, not per child. The pool parties that also include horse riding are 2 and a half hours. The maximum amount of children that you can invite is 10. The earliest age we host parties for is 3 years old.

The first half of the party (approximately 40 minutes) is devoted to the horse activities – the children participate in the grooming and tacking up, then they all get a short ride.

After the riding is over you have full use of our roofed pavilion, which includes a large deck with 4 picnic tables for the balance of the party.  Here you can serve your food, cake, and presents.

The pool party does not have to be a birthday-themed party. It can be a group of friends that want to ride a horse, play in the pool, and have some food together.

Birthday Parties

Throw your child’s birthday or pool party at Ellenwood EC  where the children will get to brush and tack up their horses for a short ride. Then on to the food, cake, and presents for the birthday party.
If you are just doing a pool party bring whatever food you would like.


  • 2-hour birthday party:  $300
  • 3-hour pool party:        $400
Contact & Booking

Birthday Party Contact & Booking

Birthday Party or Pool Party Booking Request

Please fill out the online form below so we can schedule your party.

Please note that the online form is a booking request. Wait for us to contact you and confirm the date and time before you book your calendar.

We are open to scheduling birthday parties
We are open to scheduling pool parties (Weather Permitting)
Sat and Sunday – 10 AM – 6 PM.

The party is held on a three hour basis.


Using the online form

To make a booking request for a birthday or pool party, use the online form on this page. You can also book a date by calling us directly.

Contact us

If you have questions, you can either call us, send us an email or use the online form on the contact page.

Our phone: 404-317-2670
Our email address:
Our office is open Monday – Friday